Concerning the arts of string manipulation and all manner of crafting and creativity!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I think I sort of understand how Santa's elves feel...

I haven't blogged for a while, because for a while there I didn't have any exciting projects going on. Now, I have several awesome projects going on all at the same time but no time to write an entertaining, well-written post about them. Plus, several of them are surprises for Christmas, so I don't want to spoil the surprise in case the intended recipients read this blog. So, I'll recap later.
On top of Christmas gifts, I've finally made a few sales on my Etsy shop (YAY!!!), so I am busy filling those orders. Also, my son has just learned how to pull himself to standing, so I can't get much crafting done during the day- I have to keep an even sharper eye on Jay now that he's capable of getting into even more things he's not supposed to, and can also now fall down and potentially hurt himself. ALSO- we could be moving within days (*crosses fingers*), so I've got packing and such to do as well.
In short, I am one busy redhead! But I'm having lots of fun- which is the point of it all.
So, in case I don't post again before then- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! :D