Concerning the arts of string manipulation and all manner of crafting and creativity!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Here goes nothing!

Hello- welcome to my blog. Let me start out with a disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I never even thought I'd ever start a blog. Hopefully before long I'll figure things out. I usually learn best by diving in and trying something, learning as I go. So, here goes nothing.
 I love to craft and create and make things. I also love learning new skills. Over the years I've added drawing, knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, baking, cooking, and other skills to my repertoire. I hope to add sewing, photography, and who knows what else. In any case, I love my hobbies! Unfortunately, they also tend to cost money, and things are tight. I'm trying to start up a bit of a business selling my crafts so that I can at least pay for my hobby. Add entrepreneurship to my list of skills I'd like to learn. I know nothing about marketing or business! But I'm diving in anyway, and we'll see what happens. This blog is an attempt to market my crafts, and I think it could turn into a fun hobby in itself, too. :)
Other things about me: I'm married to the greatest guy ever (sorry ladies, I got him first ;P). I'm mother to an adorable baby boy, and being a mommy is my job. I love my boys!!!! I'm also "mommy" to a very silly cockatiel- I LOVE birds (as evidenced by the title of this blog). I hope to get into breeding and raising baby birds someday. I love all kinds of animals, but birds and cats are my favorites. I also love reading.
In any case, I suppose this is a good enough intro to me and my blog. As with anything else I've done so far, I'll get better at it as I go along.